Affiliation No. 330150
  +91 8797304039

Message From Managing Director

The art of being wise is the art of knowledge what to overlook. We cannot prepare the future for the youth but we can certainly prepare our youth for the future. It is education which makes people easy to lead but hard to drive, easy to govern but hard to enslave. They realize that their learning is never complete, that life is a never ending process of growth. The Founder-Director, my heavenly adobe father gave very best heritage to the silk city Bhagalpur and gave mandate to run it motherly. I have been back and call to my father’s command and extremely hopeful to be a successful care taker. The school was founded in the year 1996 and since then I have been looking after this institution with good co-operation and mutual understanding with the intellectuals. The school has been provided composite affiliation up to 10+2 and the greater responsibilities will have been shouldering by me. Hope, I shall be always fruitful to the parents and guardians as well as learners. Looking forward to you for good co-operations.

Wish you all peace, tranquility and prosperity.

Mrs. Shobha Singh
Managing Director
S. K. P. Vidya Vihar, Bhagalpur